
我也不知道从什么时候开始,就pick up了“操蛋的世界”这个口头禅。可是,当你某一天发现你成为了你曾经讨厌的样子,你觉得,你真的可以怪世界的操蛋吗?不久前看到过一篇文章,提到“positive illusion”和“depressive realism”, 大概是说人的自我认知更倾向于(bias)把自己往好的方面想象,但其实悲观的人才是真正清楚地认识了自己和这个“操蛋的世界”。我记得看完以后对这两个专有名词有了极其深刻的印象却又有一点不以为然,直到最近看到男神演的Rust,才开始感觉到成为一个“realist”是一件多么屌炸天又多么悲凉的事情啊!


Yeah, I think the job does that to a lot of guys.
Changes you.
Some guys just notice, that’s all.
Well I can’t say the job made me this way.
More like me being this way made me right for the job.
And I used to think about it more, but you know, you reach a certain age, you know who you are.
Now I live in a little room out in the country, behind a bar.
Work 4 nights a week; in between, I drink, and there ain’t nobody there to stop me.
I know who I am. After all these years, there’s a there’s a victory in that.


Kids are the only thing that matter, Maggie.
They’re the only reason for this whole man-woman drama.
I’m sorry.
What are you suggesting, exactly?
Just that people fuck up.
We age.
Men, women it’s not supposed to work except to make kids.


我每天都在问自己,你愿意成为这样的人或者那样的人么?到头来,却发现每个人都有每个人无法消除的痛苦,我不愿意变成任何这样一个人最后还是变成了一个自己也不认识的自己。好还是坏?已经没有判别的必要和标准了。无论怀着怎样的善意伤害还是不可避免,需要接受的不过是拆掉牌坊做自己觉得该做的事——fuck this world.


  1. 生活在再操蛋的现实里也要抱着最大可能的善意去对待世界。如果真相是生活必然痛苦那就痛苦得更清醒点,尽量少无意识地多捅死几个人。

  2. 去考究究竟应该怎么去面对这个充满敌意的世界已经不是我可以考虑的范围了。我是太早学会了自我催眠,对这个漠然无助又混蛋的世界say hi。

    • 我觉得悲剧不在于这个世界充满敌意而是在这个期望为零的世界里无论每个人biased期待某些大于(不等于)零的东西。嗯,这么说来自我欺骗/催眠相当于一个girsanov measure change,哈哈!
